Highlight This! 5.2 - Release Notes

An update has been installed for Highlight This! Below are the main changes released in this version

Support for downloading a list of words from Google Sheets

You can now use a shared Google Sheets as a source for words.

Click action

You can define to open a webpage in a new tab when clicking a highlighted word. This is useful to open a Google search, a wikipedia page or any other page in a website of your choise.

Download frequency

You can specify the frequency of downloading external lists


Various fixes were implemented to improve the stability and usage of Highlight This!

Previous changes on 5.1

Case sensitive comparison

You can now find words by taking into account the letter casing (uppercase/lowercase). This can be defined per list in the Advanced tab.

Open the word management popup from the context menu

To save space on the Chrome toolbar, you can now right click a web page and select to manage words from the context menu. The management page will open in a new window.


Various fixes were implemented to improve the stability and usage of Highlight This!

Previous changes on 5.0

Change of word editor

The word editor has been changed so it supports filtering, selecting, deleting and moving words. More changes to come in the future.

Support for Regular Expression tokens (RegEx)

Highlight This! now offers support for basic regular expression tokens, flag it on in the Advanced settings of a list and use tokens such as [a-z], \d{3}...
Check the help to find out more!

Previous changes on 4.9.2

Change the storage of a list

You can now change a synchronised list into a local list and vice versa.

Redesign of list management screen

Providing more space for upcoming updates which will include richer word management and more styling options.

Previous changes on 4.9

Synchronized lists

You can now create list of words which are synchronized between your different browsers. To have the lists synchronized you need to be logged in to your browser and allow synchronisation of extension data.

Notifications when a word is found

You can now configure to be notified when a word is found on the page you are visiting. The notification is configured per list of words and can be set to notify once or everytime a word from the list is found.


Various fixes were implemented to improve the stability and usage of Highlight This!

Interesting links for you

You can find the latest help here

Questions and suggestions

Any feedback, suggestions or question? Use Chrome's feedback system.